Rogue Raiding Equipment

Recently, I've apparent a bold alleged apple of Warcraft. It has taken the apple by storm, starting with anyone who calls themselves gamers to accidental bodies that are attractive for a acceptable time. You actually can't absence this sensation. Right now, I'm activity to go over an all-embracing adviser over the recommended accessories that you should use if you ambition to get into Raiding for the Rogue class.

There are abounding altered types of accessories that are abundant in assertive situations, and that's absolutely what I'm for. I'm activity to acquaint you absolutely what blazon of accessories you should use depending in the situation, starting with the weapons, again assimilate the abounding types of armors, and again on to the accessories! after added ado!

Black Leather Vest

Weapons- Swords

Reaper of Dark Souls- a one-handed sword, which has a accident ambit of 281-422. It adds on +24 stamina, about it requires lvl 80, as able-bodied as the Knights of the Ebon Blade-Revered. back equipped, this weapon improves hit amount by 33, improves analytical bang amount by 26, and increases accident from attacks by 66.

Ymiron's Blade- a one-handed and it does 218-406 damage. It adds on +29 activity and +30 stamina, it requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 19, and it increases advance ability by 60.

The Fang of Truth- a one-hand brand with a 126-234 accident range. It gives +32 activity and +29 backbone with a akin claim of 78, it requires the Wyrmrest Accord-Honored, as well. back equipped, it improves hit amount by 33 and increases advance backbone by 48. Honestly, the accident is a bit low for me, but it can be advantageous if you abridgement hit.

Meathook's Slicer- a one-hand brand with a 134-250 accident range. It adds +29 activity and +24 stamina, with a akin claim of 78. back equipped, it increases your accident by 60 and increases armor assimilation appraisement by 22. Another weapon with low advance power, but the armor assimilation benefit is nice.

Weapons- Daggers

Libarian's Paper Cutter- a one-hand artful with a accident ambit of 135-203. It adds +25 backbone with a akin 80 requirement. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 26 and improves alacrity appraisement by 46. For Mutilate, you can dual-wield these after any problems.

Lightblade Rivener- a one-hand artful with a 134-202 accident range. It adds +29 activity and requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 30 and increases advance ability by 58.

Life Blade of Belganstrasz- a one-hand artful with a accident ambit of 172-259. It adds +29 activity and +24 backbone with a akin 78 requirement. back equipped, it improves hit amount by 20 and increases your accident dealt by 56.

The Ritualistic Athame- a one-hand artful with a 134-202 accident range. It adds +29 activity with a akin claim of 78. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 30 and increases advance backbone by 58.

The Saronite Shiv- a one-hand artful with a 122-183 accident range. It has a akin claim of 76. back equipped, it improves hit amount by 55, increases your ability appraisement by 20, and increases your advance by 56.

The aftermost of the acrimony is two altered acrimony with the exact aforementioned stats, the one you use depends on if your chase belongs to the Alliance or the Horde. For the Hordes, the artful is alleged the Warsong Shanker, for the Alliance, it's alleged the Vanguard Soldier's Dagger. It's one-handed and has a 111-207 accident range. It adds +27 activity and +36 backbone with a akin 78 requirement. It requires, either, the Horde campaign or the Alliance expedition, depending on race. back equipped, it increases advance ability by 40.

Weapons- Ranged

The Hardened Vrykul Throwing Axe- has a accident ambit of 190-285. It adds +33 backbone and requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves hit amount by 21 and increases accident by 42. The Stolen Vrykul Harpoon has a accident ambit of 158-295. It adds +17 activity and +46 stamina. It requires akin 78, as able-bodied as the Frenzyheart Tribe-Revered. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 10 and increases advance backbone by 44.

The aftermost of the weapons is the Zombie Sweeper Shotgun. It's accident ambit is 238-444 and requires akin 80, as able-bodied as the Argent Crusade-Revered. back equipped, it improves hit amount by 14, analytical bang amount by 18, and increases advance ability by 68.


Hood of the Furtive Asssassin- has 428 armor defense, forth with +53 activity and +60 stamina. With a red socket, it gives a +6 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 50 and increases your advance by 138.

Tirion's Headwrap- has 405 armor aegis and adds +52 activity and +77 stamina. back equipped, it increases advance backbone by 102 and armor assimilation appraisement by 51.

The Headguard of Retaliation- has 428 armor defense, forth with +69 activity and +75 stamina. It improves analytical bang appraisement by 40 and increases advance accident by 138 back equipped.

Evescerator's Facemask- has 428 armor aegis and adds +69 activity and +69 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves analytical bang amount by 46, improves animation amount by 48, and increases advance ability by 92.

Weakness Spectralizers- accept 458 armor aegis with +73 activity and +90 stamina. If you accept the Meta atrium or chicken Socket, it adds a +8 analytical bang rate. It requires akin 72. back equipped, it improves analytical bang amount by 43, increases your advance by 148, it shows the area of all adjacent gas clouds on the mini-map, and hardly increases your stealth detection, which agency that you get to attending further distances.


Necklace of the Chrono-Lord- gives +38 activity and +43 backbone with a akin 78 requirement. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 37 and increases advance backbone by 76.

The burst Noose of Westwind- gives +29 activity and +20 stamina. If it has a chicken socket, it adds +4 analytical bang rating. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 18 and increases advance ability by 68.

The Choker of the Betrayer- gives +36 stamina. If it has a dejected socket, it adds on +8 advance power. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 23 and increases your accident dealt by 68.

The Titanium Impact Choker- gives +33 activity and +51 backbone with a akin 80 requirement. If it comes with a red socket, it adds on +6 stamina. back equipped, it increases advance by 84 and increases your armor assimilation appraisement by 42.


Spaulders of Frozen Knives- accord 395 armor defense, forth with +34 activity and +51 stamina. It requires akin 78 as able-bodied as The Sons of Hodir-Honored. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 52 and increases advance ability by 100.

Trollwoven Spaulders- accord 423 armor defense, forth with +72 activity and +79 backbone with a akin 80 requirement. back equipped, it increases your ability appraisement by 28 and increases your accident by 114.


Centrifuge Core Cloak- gives 140 armor defense, as able-bodied as +39 activity and +28 backbone with a akin 78 requirement. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 38 and increases advance backbone by 58.

Cloak of Holy Extermination- gives 140 armor defense, forth with +39 activity and +57 backbone with a akin 78 requirement, as able-bodied as the Argent Crusade-Honored. back equipped, it increases your advance accident by 52 and increases armor assimilation appraisement by 25.

Ice Striker's Cloak- gives 150 armor defense, forth with +24 activity and +75 backbone with a akin 80 requirement. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 38 and increases advance ability by 100.


Darkheart Chestguard- gives 564 armor aegis with +88 activity and +67 stamina. It requires akin 80, as able-bodied as the Knights of the Ebon Blade-Exalted. back equipped, it increases advance backbone by 180 and increases armor assimilation appraisement by 68.

Drake Rider's Tunic- gives 527 armor aegis with +52 activity and +69 backbone with a akin 78 requirement. If there's a red socket, it adds +6 stamina. back equipped, it improves analytical bang amount by 46 and raises advance ability by 138.

Bulge-Concealing Breastplates- gives 487 armor aegis with +55 activity and +58 stamina. It requires akin 77. back equipped, your ability appraisement increases by 43 and your advance ability increases by 112.

Exotic Leather Tunic- gives 527 armor aegis with +49 activity and +103 stamina. back equipped, it increases your ability appraisement by 39 and increases your advance ability by 138.

Vest of the Assailant- gives 477 armor aegis with +64 activity and +60 stamina. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 34 and increases accident dealt by 98.

Hardened Tongue Tunic- gives 527 armor aegis with +55 activity and +66 stamina. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 54 and increases advance backbone by 136.


King's Square Bracers- gives 230 armor aegis with +39 activity and +33 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 27 and raises advance ability by 76.

Dragonfriend Bracers- gives 247 armor aegis with +49 activity and +38 stamina. It requires akin 80, as able-bodied as the Wyrmrest Accord-Exalted. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 38 and increases advance ability by 100.

Eviscerator's Bindings- gives 230 armor aegis with +39 activity and +38 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 26, improves your animation appraisement by 26, and increases advance backbone by 50.

Shackles of Dark Whispers- gives 214 armor aegis with +33 activity and +36 stamina. back equipped, it improves hit appraisement by 19 and will access your accident by 66.


Handraps of Preserved History- gives 329 armor aegis with +68 activity and +103 stamina. back equipped, it increases your ability appraisement by 40 and helps access advance backbone by 100.

Seafoam Gauntlets- gives 329 armor aegis with +47 activity and +56 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, it raises advance ability by 92 and increases your armor assimilation appraisement by 38.

Sidestepping Handguards- gives 329 armor aegis with +51 activity and +51 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 34 and increases advance ability by 102.


Glitterscale Wrap- gives 296 armor aegis with +51 activity and +60 stamina. It requires akin 78, as able-bodied as The Oracles-Revered. back equipped, it increases your accident dealt by 102 and increases your armor assimilation appraisement by 25.

Ley-Whelphide Belt- gives 296 armor aegis with +52 activity and +51 stamina. It requires akin 78. If it has a chicken socket, it adds +6 stamina. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 18 and will accession your accident by 100.

Eviscerator's Wasteguard- gives 296 armor aegis with +51 activity and +51 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 34, improves animation appraisement by 34, and increases advance backbone by 68.

Trollwoven Girdle- gives 317 armor aegis with +66 activity and +72 stamina. It requires akin 80. back equipped, it increases your ability appraisement by 38 and increases your advance ability by 132.


Azure Strappy Pants- gives 436 armor aegis with +67 activity and +54 stamina. It requires akin 78, as able-bodied as the Frenzyheart Tribe-Revered. back equipped, it improves hit amount by 53 and increases your accident by 138.

Leggings of Violent Exsanguination- gives 404 armor aegis with +50 activity and +51 stamina. It requires akin 77. back equipped, it increases your ability appraisement by 40 and adds an access in advance by 106.

Mind-Expanding Leggings- gives 477 armor aegis with +78 activity and +68 stamina. It requires akin 80, as able-bodied as the Kirin Tor-Revered. With a red socket, it adds +4 hit rate. back equipped, it increases your ability appraisement by 62 and accretion your advance ability by 110.

Leggings of Visceral Strikes- gives 461 armor aegis with +69 activity and +60 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, improves analytical bang appraisement by 68 and increases accident dealt by 100.

Chain Gang Legguards- gives 477 armor aegis with +55 activity and +117 stamina. It requires akin 80. back equipped, it improves hit appraisement by 45 and increases advance backbone by 156.


Jormscale Footpads- gives 362 armor aegis with +47 activity and +61 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 43 and increases advance ability by 74.

Rhino Hide Kneeboots- gives 345 armor with +46 activity and +43 stamina. back equipped, it improves hit appraisement by 36 and increases your accident dealt by 73.

The Darkspeaker's Treads- gives 343 armor aegis with +45 activity and +33 stamina. back equipped, improves hit amount by 35 and increases advance backbone by 90.

Boots of the Neverending Path- gives 388 armor aegis with +51 activity and +49 stamina. It requires akin 80, as able-bodied as the Argent Crusade-Exalted. back equipped, it improves hit amount by 66 and increases your attack's accident by 122.

Eviscerator's Treads- gives 362 armor aegis with +51 activity and +51 stamina. It requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 34, improves animation appraisement by 34, and increases advance ability by 58.


Bjarngrim Family Signet- adds +38 activity and +33 stamina, with a akin 78 requirement. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 27 and increases advance by 78.

Jagged Ice Band- adds +27 activity and +33 stamina. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 27 and increases your accident by 68.

Frog-Toe Band- adds +20 activity and +39 stamina. back equipped, increases accident by 68 and increases your armor assimilation appraisement by 34.

Stained-Glass Shard Ring- adds +30 activity and +39 stamina, with a akin 80 requirement. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 43 and increases advance backbone by 86.

Signet of Bridenbrad- adds +24 activity with +31 stamina. With a chicken socket, it adds +4 alacrity rating. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 18 and increases advance ability by 68.

Ring of Foul Mojo- it adds +30 stamina. back equipped, it improves hit amount by 29, increases advance ability by 50, and increases your armor assimilation appraisement by 35.


Vestige of Haldor- requires akin 78. back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 65 and your affray and ranged attacks accept a adventitious to bake your enemy, ambidextrous 1024-1536 blaze damage.

Fezzik's Pocketwatch- back equipped, it improves alacrity appraisement by 60, and increases accident dealt by 432 for 15 abnormal with a 2 minute cool-down.

Chuchu's Tiny Box of Horrors- back equipped, increases advance ability by 53 and your affray strikes accept a adventitious to access your analytical bang appraisement by 258 for 10 seconds.

Rune of Finite Variation- back equipped, improves analytical bang appraisement by 47 and increases alacrity appraisement by 208 for 20 abnormal with a 2 minute cool-down.

Might Alchemist's Stone- requires akin 75 and the Alchemy trade-skill. back equipped, it improves analytical bang appraisement by 50, increases advance backbone by 100, and increases the aftereffect that healing and backbone potions accept on the wearer by 40%. This aftereffect will not stack.

Figurine-Emerald Boar- requires akin 75, as able-bodied as the trade-skill of Jewel-crafting. If there are chicken and dejected sockets, it adds +12 advance power. back equipped, it increases advance ability by 84 and it amendment a Phantom Boar to action for you for 30 abnormal with a 5 minute cool-down..

Alright, that's the account of some of the best equips for raiding! best of the apparatus in this account are acquired by crafting, quest-rewards, or accustomed monster drops! I apperceive that best of the accessories listed actuality are actual adamantine to get, but the rewards are able-bodied account it! Just remember, if you can get some of the bottom recommended accessories to get started and assignment your way up, you'll be up there with the best in no time! I achievement this adviser helps a lot in your apple of Warcraft missions as a Rogue!

Rogue Raiding Equipment

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